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Sat 18th May 2024 at 4:00 pm

The Birth of the Beatles: Skiffle & Beyond

David Bedford


Event Details

Tickets £6 | 4pm | Burnham-on-Sea, Library

Everybody knows the songs that The Beatles created in their incredible career, but where did the influences come from? Why was Liverpool such a unique city that The Beatles could only have come from there? To understand The Beatles, you have to understand Liverpool, its history and cultural links, especially with America.

Why were The Beatles so influenced by America and American music? How did it get here? Who were the Cunard Yanks? Why was Liverpool known as “The Nashville of the North”? What was skiffle and how did it tie in with Country music and rock ‘n’ roll in the repertoire of The Quarrymen and then The Beatles? Who were their greatest influences and how was this reflected in the songs The Beatles wrote and recorded?

Come and find out the answers!

David Bedford grew up in The Dingle, Liverpool, by the bottom of Madryn Street, where Ringo was born, and attended the same school as Ringo, many years later. In the Dingle, he met his wife, Alix. Not long after marrying, they left The Dingle and bought a house near Penny Lane. They have three daughters who attended Dovedale School, where John Lennon and George Harrison began their education.

David’s books include, Liddypool: Birthplace of The Beatles, 2009; The Fab one hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles, 2013; and Finding the Fourth Beatle, the story of the 23 drummers, 2018.

In 2016, he was a co-author with Hunter Davies on The Beatles Book, with Keith Badman and Spencer Leigh.

He was also Associate Producer and historical consultant for “Looking For Lennon” (2018).

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