Event Details
Tickets – £8
LGBTQIA+ Hero/ines, allies, friends and families sought for this Fabulous Out and Proud project.
The organisers of Burnham-on-Sea’s first LGBTQIA PRIDE would like to build a library of LGBTQIA+ experiences to showcase what our lives are like. Come to a one off 2-hour workshop where we will help you reveal to the world exactly what it’s like to live under our rainbow.
Everyone has a story to tell, the good and the bad ones, it doesn’t have to be everything but come and work with showing what it is you are comfortable telling. Costumes are optional.
If you were an object, what object would you be?
BRING IT ALONG – tell us all about it.
Workshop Leader Jane Campbell, as seen in Channel 4s Rebel Dykes, and winner of the 2022 Disability Arts Cymru Creative Writing Award and winner of the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize for Poetry 2021.