Event Details
Lockdown has touched and changed all of our lives in many different ways and this new normal doesn’t show any signs of disappearing soon. We have all missed human contact whether it be verbal, physical or social.
This incredible exhibition showcases the amazing work of 12 local artists who the Princess commissioned to create pieces that sum up how a pandemic, lockdown and that lack of human contact has affected us all.
We hope you agree, what has been created is wonderful. These works will be exhibited live when we reopen our doors.
Embrace – Ann Elson
An illustrative representation of a stripped and decontaminated individual, exposed and vulnerable. However, comforted, shielded and embraced by an object in the form of a towel, absorbing emotions.
Pocket – Dial – Fergus Riley
Infinite Ring Back to Front Transatlantic Cables Class of 2030 Wrapped Up In It Disassembly Circuit Actual Reality Singularity Relay No Longer Needed Ruler of the Landscape
Pocket-Dial explores the hypothetical point in time where technology becomes irreversibly fused with humans. Soon the ever-blurring line between us and automation may become un-seeable.
Some images are Courtesy of BT Archives
Pick yer own – Harvest 2020 – Grace Green
Celebrating locally grown produce and the community it benefits. Inspired by Trill Farm, a market garden supplying local restaurants with organic vegetables. Since Covid19 has established a vegetable box scheme and donated to food-banks.
We Transcend – James Saunders
This piece describes the discomfort, suffering and misery that many have experienced over this year. However, its main message is one of transformation. Through reaching out and being vulnerable with others; we stop our negative thoughts from having power over us and break the cycle. Instead, we create a new cycle where we open our hearts to others enabling them to transcend with us.
As Above, So Below – Tick Rowley
An exploration of how lockdown impacted positively and negatively on my mental health. It represents different influences whether they are internal or external. Everything in the end comes down to equilibrium.
Stolford Weather Report – Alison Jacobs
A daily Art Weather report by the Alison. It may have been about the weather or about something completely different. The point was a daily broadcast either as a photograph or a 30 sec film from the same point on the artists permitted daily walk each day.